Friday, February 17, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday-Teens & Things.

I have been blown over by the response to my last post, and the number of poignant and grateful private messages I've received on foot of it.  I am humbled to have been the instrument of triggering some therapeutic tears, as I've said in my blog description, tears are good. God put them there for a purpose and I for one don't think He does anything for nothing, including things like making biting insects and stinging plants.  We might not see the intended purpose but you never know, maybe someday they may yield a medicinal breakthrough or something.

Anyway, that post was a bit heady so this one is going to be a little bit of light entertainment in which I share some endearing things about teens to counteract their bad press.

When you're done here, head on over to Betty Beguiles  for some more 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, there are some really lovely blogs linked there today.

--- 1 ---

Two days ago I hoked out our old VHS cassette of Winnie The Pooh to distract a tired and fractious almost two-year-old and by the hit or miss operation pattern of our faded and scuffed video player, it worked!  I came into the room shortly afterwards to hear one of my super-hip teens say

"Pause that a minute, I just want to get something..."

She didn't want to miss a minute of the movie. 

 It was only when I blinked a few moments ago that I was sitting, heavily pregnant, snuggling with a curly haired tot watching that exact same tape.


--- 2 ---

My teenagers and their friend asked the manager of the large supermarket whether there was a legal impediment to them purchasing the disposable razor blades I asked them to get for their grandfather who is staying with us. He told them they could legally buy them but don't do anything dangerous with them!

--- 3 ---

I am smiling inside that all our older children are (not so) secretly thrilled that I bought them tickets to see The Wiggles and that they are grateful to have a toddler sister they can use as their excuse to go without losing their street-cred. And I won't pretend that I noticed them texting their friends to tell of their good luck!

And they are so chuffed that Greg is back!

--- 4 ---

After a little break to allow for recovery from an old pelvic injury I am back training to walk the Dublin Ladies 10K in aid of The International Children's Heart Foundation. I was planning to run it but the injury is going to prevent that.  My eldest daughter is joining me in my training programme, which involves John abandoning us from the car at a designated point and R and I walk home.  It's a super opportunity for a chat, I'm loving it!

I have explained my reasons for doing this fundraiser here.

--- 5 ---

I really am very flattered when my teenage daughters think I should fancy the same stars as them!!! 

That's funny!

Though I have to add...some of their pin-ups are the same guys I had pinned on my wall..


--- 6 ---
I am so enjoying the fact that I have some slaves...sorry...teenagers...who can bath and care for a cutie-pie toddler girl when I am busy...

And that she teaches them patience, empathy, kindness and how to love life!!!!

--- 7 ---
And finally...a little conversation I had with my teenager:

Me: Emm..Teen? Have you noticed your bed has been made every day?

Teen:  Oh Yes! I noticed that but I thought I must have done it!!

How can you not just love teens????

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary 
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  1. Hi Jennifer! I clicked a link that clicked to a link that eventually brought me here. I just read your post about your baby. Beautiful and powerful. I'm glad you decided to share it.

    I had fun reading your quick takes post. Winnie the Pooh and The Wiggles mixed with a little Johnny Depp and David Bowie? Nice. :-)

    1. Oh thanks, Bobbi! I had a lot more fun writing this week! The other one was a story which needed to be told all the same and I am glad I did it. Yes, funny mix in our house :-)


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